제목FEM해석에 의한 케이블카 지지용 원형강관기둥의 링플랜지볼트접합부에 대한 거동과 피로 연구2018-10-30 12:01
작성자 Level 1
첨부파일KSSC_4_2012_06_141(C).pdf (985.7KB)

FEM해석에 의한 케이블카 지지용 원형강관기둥의 링플랜지볼트접합부에 대한

거동과 피로 연구

A Study on Behavior and Fatigue of Bolted Ring Flange Joint in Tubular Tower Supporting Cable Car
by using FEM Analysis

김 승 원1)
Kim, Seung Weon

ABSTRACT: For line towers supporting cables of cable car or ski gondola, circular tube sections and bolted ring 
flange joints are widely used. Since these line towers are undergoing fluctuating load due to successive unbalanced 
load coming through cross-beam holding cables, bolted ring flange joint including bolts and welds should be checked 
for fatigue load. Behavior on fatigue in these joints are different depend on variety in shape, flange-plate thickness, 
pretention level in bolt and others. Six different FE-models are presented and the results are discussed in regard to the
connection design and the fatigue assesment for bolt and welded joint.