제목다양한 조건에 있는 합성보의 설계과정을 그래픽으로 나타내는 컴퓨터 프로그램 개발2018-11-12 18:31
작성자 Level 10
첨부파일KSSC_4_2018_06_95.pdf (1MB)

다양한 조건에 있는 합성보의 설계과정을 그래픽으로 나타내는 컴퓨터 프로그램 개발 

Development of Computer Program that Graphically Display the Overall Design Process of

Composite Beam under Various Structural Condition

김 승 원1)*

Kim, Seung Weon

ABSTRACT:It is expected that the application of composite beams will gradually increase as the strength of

structural materials is increased and the use environment of buildings is changed. However, it has been 

recognized that the construction cost of the composite floor structure is significantly higher than that of the

concrete structure. This recognition is due to the irrational structural planning of the designer and the 

domestic commercial computer programs can not make the optimal design suitable for the Korean Building 

Code(KBC2026). The “HCOMBEAM-1” introduced here is a new computer program designed to optimize the 

design of exposed composite beams, taking into account the additional requirements of KBC2016 and 

commentary, as well as important considerations of the Eurodode 1994. The optimized design of the 

composite beam by this program can reduce the cost of steel construction by more than 20% compared with 

the optimization design by existing domestic commercial program.